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[BOJ/Golfscript] 백준 1809 : Moo (Golfscript) 문제 정보 문제명 - Moo 난이도 - 브론즈 V 문제 번호 - 1809번 문제 링크 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1809 1809번: Moo You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, produce the following ascii cow. www.acmicpc.net 문제 You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, .. 2023. 7. 8.
[BOJ/FreeBASIC] 백준 2377 : Pottery (FreeBASIC) 문제 정보 문제명 - Pottery 난이도 - 브론즈 V 문제 번호 - 2377번 문제 링크 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2377 2377번: Pottery 3D printing is becoming more and more prominent in today’s society. Unfortunately, you don’t currently have access to a 3D printer. Instead, you can just print an item with your knowledge of coding! Print a clay pot. www.acmicpc.net 문제 3D printing is becoming more and more prominent in today’s.. 2023. 7. 8.
[BOJ/Ada] 백준 2393 : Livestock Count (Ada) 문제 정보 문제명 - Livestock Count 난이도 - 브론즈 V 문제 번호 - 2393번 문제 링크 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2372 2372번: Livestock Count Print the table below as shown. The character “-”, is a dash not an underscore. www.acmicpc.net 문제 Print a table that describes the current count of all your livestock. 출력 Print the table below as shown. The character “-”, is a dash not an underscore. 예제 입력/출력 예제 입력 예제 출력 Anima.. 2023. 7. 8.
[BOJ/JAVA] 백준 2393 : Rook (자바) 문제 정보 문제명 - Rook 난이도 - 브론즈 V 문제 번호 - 2393번 문제 링크 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2393 2393번: Rook The rook art, exactly as shown below, with no extra blank spaces. In particular, a line must not end with a blank space. www.acmicpc.net 문제 You have just learned how to output text to the screen and your teacher has challenged you to create an ASCII art of a chess piece. You have decided to make you.. 2023. 7. 8.